Fine & Delicate Fabric Wash
Specially formulated with
Japanese technology to keep
fine and delicate fabricsoft
and smooth
Japanese technology to keep
fine and delicate fabricsoft
and smooth

Available in 1 Litre

- Suitable for all fine, delicate &
coloured fabrics - Long lasting fragrance and freshness
on fabric - Skin friendly & pH neutral
- Removes skin oil grime, perspiration
stains & malodour - Preserves fabric softness
- Suitable for indoor drying
Facts about TOP Lite – Fine Fabric Wash
- Safely and effectively care for natural and synthetic fine washables.
- Preserves the life span of the fabric
- Prevents early ageing (ie: piling, fading, etc)
- Retains the shape of clothing (not causing shrinking or stretching)
- Fabric feel soft, smelling fresh and fragrant.
- Mild formulation – Skin and environmental friendly.